

Advanced composting process – The Johnson-Su Bioreactor

In our endeavor to produce a highly diverse and rich compost for regenerating our soils, we have included an advanced technique called “Johnson-Su Bioreactor”. We explain how it works and how to build...

My extra virgin olive oil has lees, should I be worried?

Our extra virgin olive oil is not filtered. This is the reason why there may be sediment or even a gelatinous substance at the bottom of the bottle or canister...

How to recognize a good or bad olive oil?

Every year we aim to enhance the quality of our extra virgin olive oil. Through regenerative techniques, we are increasing the amount and diversity of microorganisms in the soil...

What is a guild?

What is a guild? In permaculture, a guild refers to a carefully designed and interconnected group of plants, animals, fungi, and other elements that work together synergistically in a sustainable and...

Building our composting area

Building our composting area Compost production is at the heart of our regenerative practices and having a proper space to produce it seemed an important milestone in our journey.   It all started...