
Regenerative agriculture

At Terranima, our mission is to drive the essential shift in mindset needed to produce healthy food and rethink conventional agricultural practices.

We are committed to demonstrating that agriculture focused on nurturing soil and water, enhancing biodiversity, and reducing reliance on synthetic products and fossil fuels is not only possible but also profitable.

Building resilience

We achieve high levels of resilience when the above-ground and underground ecosystems are balanced and working in harmony.

Above ground, we optimize the photosynthetic processes of trees and plants while treating them with both aerobic and anaerobic preparations, drawing from our extensive experience in composting and organic agriculture.

Foliar applications, enriched with a mix of minerals and beneficial biology, nourish and protect plants simultaneously.

Cover crops play a crucial role by protecting the soil, enriching it with organic matter, and boosting biodiversity, among other benefits.
We also apply mulch around plants to prevent evaporation and further enrich the soil with organic matter.

Underground, we promote beneficial microorganisms around the root zone, where remarkable exchanges occur. Plants feed these microorganisms through sugar-based exudates, and in return, the microorganisms release enzymes that make essential minerals and nutrients available to the plants.

Through compost, compost extracts and other liquid amendments, we enhance the soil and stimulate its natural nutrient cycle, creating a thriving environment for sustainable growth.

Pest and diseases control management

When the above-ground and underground ecosystems fall out of harmony, nature responds with pests and diseases to restore balance.

While the ideal approach is to work with nature to regain harmony, there are times when we lack the time or resources to act quickly enough to save our crops or plants.

In such cases, we use a combination of techniques and tools to halt the disruption and begin restoring balance to the system.

This includes biological solutions like Trichoderma and certain species of Bacillus, as well as selected mineral or chemical preparations to address specific issues and help reestablish harmony.


At Terranima, we believe that without proper monitoring, we can’t truly understand the impact of our practices.

That’s why we prioritize monitoring as a key element of our approach.

We regularly conduct biological soil assessments to track the progress of soil biology, with a special focus on the fungal-to-bacterial ratio.

We also use a refractometer to measure the Brix levels (sugar content) in plant and tree leaves, check soil pH, and evaluate water absorption capacity.

When possible, we perform chromatography analyses on soils and compost to gain deeper insights.

These techniques are an integral part of our ongoing work with clients, ensuring that we stay on track and make informed decisions during the follow-up stages.

Social regeneration

Soil regeneration begins with a shift in mindset.

This change in perspective must start with each of us, and that’s the core mission of our project.

Regenerative agriculture enhances both ecology and society, which is why we prioritize engaging with local communities and investing time and energy into creating a “demonstration site.”

Our greatest reward comes when a volunteer reaches out months or even years later, seeking advice on composting or improving their land. It’s in those moments that we see the true value of “sowing seeds” through our programs and volunteer experiences.